Dear Client
Due to scheduled cPanel Licensing structure by cpaneldevelopers (Apply from 01 Sep 2019 ), We have to increase all existing cPanel , reseller hosting prices as below.
Below are the package codes and price increase. ( Your next renewal invoice will be with new price )
Price Increase -Rs. 700/-
cPanel 1G-1Dom
Lin 1GB
Lin Promo
Lin Promo B
cPanel 2G-3Dom
L2 B
Lin 5 GB
Domain + Biz 500
cPanel1GB+Free Domain -June
cPanel1GB+Free Domain -Oct
Domain with cPanel 1GB - 1Dom
Price Increase -Rs. 600/-
biz 1
Biz 1G
Biz L-1GB
Biz P-1GB
Biz 2G
Biz L-2GB
Biz P-2GB
Biz P-5GB
Note : All other cPanel accounts with renewal fee Rs. 900/- , Rs. 1100/- will be updated as Rs. 1800/-
Please open a Support ticket if you cannot find your package code on above list.